Don't Miss God's Plan for Your Life

If you are anything like me, you likely want to make an impact during your life—but did you realize God’s plan for you extends well beyond your time on earth? When God calls you, He doesn’t just have you in mind, but the future generations you will influence. We see this reality played out clearly in the story of Abraham.

Why do you think God chose Abraham to be the father of His chosen people? Whenever I ask this question, the most common answer is, “Because he had great faith.” While faith is essential to partnering with God’s plan, it’s not why God chose Abraham. God chose Abraham because He knew that he would teach his descendants to follow the Lord:

“For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring Abraham what he promised him.” (Genesis 18:19 ESV, emphasis added)

When God chose this childless nomad, He looked beyond Abraham and saw his lineage. It was crucial to God that Abraham “command his children to keep the ways of the Lord” because God wanted to weave His story of redemption through Abraham’s family line. He knew Abraham and Sarah would make mistakes, but he also knew they had the right raw materials. Whenever God establishes covenant with us, He is always thinking generationally because He has already visited tomorrow and knows what needs to happen today to get us there.

The covenant God made with Abraham expanded until it reached into our lives as well. Through faith, Abraham was transformed from a man without children into one with descendants as numerous as the stars. The man who was once a wanderer without a nation became a father of faith to all nations.

“…Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him…” (Genesis 18:18 ESV)

Your story will look different than Abraham’s, but the principle is the same. God looks for people who intentionally allow His covenant to spread through them. Your story is about more than just you. It’s about the generations to come.

Only heaven will reveal the full impact of God’s covenant expressed through your relationship with Him. He desires to reach every life that passes through you (your legacy) and every life that falls within your realm of influence. This means you have to embrace a vision that extends beyond you and isn’t confined to your limited understanding. Get alone with God and seek His will for your life, knowing that His intention for your story will always include the generations to come.


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