Double Vision

I suffer from double vision. I don’t mean seeing the same image twice, but seeing two images at once and not being able to focus clearly on the image right in front of me. Do you suffer with double vision too?

The two images that keep me from seeing clearly are my past and my future.

Who doesn’t remember the good ole days? I sure remember mine. In fact reminiscing on them is one of my favorite past times. I remember when my kids were little and times were good. I remember when my career was bustling and we were like the Jefferson’s … movin' on up. I remember old friendships that I thought would always be and family traditions I thought we would always keep. Oh the good ole days, what happened to them?

While my past is filled with fond memories my hopes for the future are equally exciting. Where will God take me next? My mind often wanders with much anticipation to the fulfillment of dreams God has placed in me. I’ve pondered the scenarios over and over in my mind of how He will bring about the great things I hope for. Oh yes… the future holds much promise.

It seems I have no trouble focusing on how great things used to be or how great things will be in the future. However, focusing on today and seeing the great in it is not as easy; hence my problem with double vision.

Whether we’re longing for the good ole days or aching for our future dreams to come true both are distractions keeping us from seeing clearly what God is doing today.

So, how do we correct our vision and not miss what God wants to show us today? Here are 3 practical steps I’ve learned that can help us refocus and see clearly:

  1. Make a list of your current obligations that have the potential to make a difference someone else’s life. Instead of seeing our daily obligations as obligations, look at them as opportunities to leave a legacy. It will make a difference in how you view your today.
  2. Spend some time creating a life map. By looking at the components which make up your life story you can begin to see patterns emerge of how God has worked in your life in the past. These patterns reinforce our faith to know that He is also working in our lives today.
  3. Realize that the story of your life is an ongoing saga and every part is for a purpose. God wastes nothing, not even seasons that seem dormant. Healthy roots are established when on the surface it appears nothing is happening.

While you and I may not realize it… God is at work in our lives today. Our good ole days have been replaced with today and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Comparing today with yesterday or our hopes of tomorrow will only cloud our vision and make it nearly impossible to see the good in today. Let’s open our eyes together and refocus our vision so that we don’t miss anything God wants us to see!








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