It’s so easy for me to respond like Jeremiah to an opportunity to perform poetry on the radio! Yet, I truly believe this opportunity is part of my calling. Therefore, it’s my responsibility to trust God with the outcome. God will work on my behalf and open up doors that no man can shut because He loves me. On many days, I do feel empowered, anointed, set apart by God to do what He’s called me to do. I feel encouraged and I often pray bold prayers. I pray with expectation as a way of activating my faith. Although I pray bold prayers, I am still surprised when I get a bold outcome (like being on the radio).
Do you have a gift you want to pursue? Do you have a purpose to fulfill? I dare you to pray bold prayers. Don’t be timid. God delights in you as you ask Him for what you need. Don’t put a limit on God’s promises. God has so much good he wants to give to you! Take God out of the box! Pray through your impossibilities and call them possible.
We all feel doubt sometimes and respond like Jeremiah to God’s call on our lives. Have you ever responded to God’s call with one of the phrases below?
God can’t fulfill a dream or purpose through me because…
- I’m not smart enough.
- I’m not pretty enough.
- I’m not organized enough.
- I’m not outgoing or an extrovert.
- I have a terrible past.
- I have a long history of previous failures.
- I don’t have enough money.
- I don’t have enough time.
- I’m scared of what other people might think of me.
- I struggle with anxiety and fear.
- I’m afraid of success.
- I’m afraid of failure.
I’d encourage you to not let doubt and fear cripple you to the point where you think God can’t use you. He definitely can. Guess what? It takes broken cracks to get the light in. Your weaknesses might be the specific thing God uses to fulfill His purpose in your life. Don’t let the enemy stop you with lies. Imperfections are normal.
We all have parts of our character that need an adjustment, and God doesn’t get any glory from perfect people. It’s often the people with broken hearts that understand how to have compassion and grace for other people. Take heart and courage. Throw away that list of reasons you can’t do what you were born to do. You are capable because God is able. Surprise yourself and go into the world and shine bright.