Drivers and Passengers

Consider this: People get into a car with different perspectives, based on whether they are driving the car or they’re merely a passenger on the trip. If you are the driver, you get into the car with a much greater sense of responsibility. After all, you’re the one making sure everyone gets to the destination. If you’re the passenger, your goal is to make the ride fun, so you don’t get bored. If you don’t get to the desired location, you can always blame the driver.

Earlier this month, a college graduate, Trina Thompson, filed a lawsuit against her college. She wants the $70,000 back that she paid for tuition. Why? The Monroe College grad said she hasn’t found gainful employment since earning her bachelor’s degree just a few months ago. She says, “They have not tried hard enough to help me.”

After reading a bit on the college, this seems like a classic case of “drivers and passengers.” Trina would like to blame someone for her unemployment. To be honest, I am sorry for her. But guess what, Trina? You are not alone. Nearly 10% of America is without jobs. And the more you try to blame someone else for your state, the less responsibility you’ll take for your own life. This case is just one notch above the lady who sued McDonalds when she spilled their hot coffee on her lap years ago. Or the woman who called 911 this last spring because McDonald’s was out of chicken nuggets. The poor woman needed her nuggets and felt the police could help.

Please understand. I am not a man without mercy. Trina has school loans to pay, just like I have a stack of bills to pay. But check out the rest of the story. Monroe College offers lifetime free services for graduates. It is excellent service, too, according to previous graduates. The problem is not the school; it is a sagging economy and a blaming student. As I reflect on my past, I have learned that the more I search for others to blame for my poor destination so far… the more I lose any sense of control over where my life is going.

It’s time to take the wheel, and with God’s help… assume responsibility for where you are going. When you do, you’ll find this attitude is very attractive to those around you. In fact, it makes the people of this great country we live in want to help. But folks want to help others who don presume they deserve it… but who take the wheel and responsibility in their hands. We cannot be passengers. We cannot even be backseat drivers who want to tell others where to go.

It’s your destination. It’s your life.

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