Easter Equals Rescue

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son...” (John 3:16, NKJV).

We drove down our little lane to a beautiful ranch less than 10 miles from our home. Unlike Easter celebrations from my childhood, this was scheduled at a more reasonable hour, making it not really a Sunrise Service. But that did not detract from the gathering of people of different faiths to celebrate the reason for the season. 

Many years ago, our services were outdoors. But cool weather and wet grass, along with occasional rain had driven the services inside to the Auction Building, with bleachers to accommodate the 100-plus people that gathered. There was electricity for musical instruments and places for coffee, juice and breakfast foods. This setting had become a very special part of early morning Easter in the hearts of the people in our little town.

This Easter morning brought comforting thoughts as our pastor presented his message for the day. “Easter equals rescue”, his words rang out in the quiet of the morning. Pastor Anthony reminded us of the end-of-life provision made many years ago for every single person ever born. He made it clear that this provision did more than promise us Heaven. It makes us God’s child and seals our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Life is described in the Bible as a vapor. That description is used to convey to us just how short life is. We become so caught up in the here and now that we sometimes forget there is more, much more. In fact, the statement has been made that this life is for deciding where we really want to live. That puts a completely new perspective on our earthly existence.  

Have you looked up the definition for 'rescue' lately?  Webster says it means, "To free or save from danger". Therefore, Easter truly was a rescue mission and rescues are never free. This one was no exception. It cost God His Son. 

Marvin Rosenthal, executive director of the magazine, Zion's Hope, wrote of the magnitude of God, “The more scientists measure the universe, the more they realize it is immeasurable. The more they seek to describe it within boundaries, the more they realize it is boundless. The more they try to comprehend it, the more they realize it is incomprehensible." That's the Universe Maker, the one who sent His son to rescue us. What a plan!

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