Strange things happen when you open yourself up to the Spirit’s leading. Not when you’re open to something specific, as in, “Lord, I’m open to you doing this but not that,” but when you open up completely—as in, “Lord, what’s next?” without any expectation of what “next” ought to be. That’s a little scary, but it shouldn’t be. He’s good. Wherever he leads, it will be an adventure.
That’s true not only of big events in life but also of the little open doors of today. When you throw off expectations and ask him to show you a person in need . . . an opportunity to express his nature to someone . . . a direction you haven’t thought of before . . . things happen. Opportunities come up. You begin to see things you’ve never even looked for.
Try that. You’ll need to be flexible with your time, and you’ll need a willing heart. But if you’ve ever wanted more meaning and purpose in your life, this is one way to get it. Open up and let him lead. Wherever. Life with him is an adventure waiting to unfold.