Embracing the Now

Fall is notoriously a busy season. School starts, then BOOM! It’s Thanksgiving. Then right behind Thanksgiving, Christmas comes speeding around the corner. Five months of the year—gone in a blur. Does this happen to you?

How many of us live and breathe by calendars? Schedules are a necessity, no doubt. But how many of us are ruled by them? I’m guilty. How many of us spend more time planning and preparing than we do embracing the now? Again, guilty!

My youngest darling once counted the days in bedtimes—which I loved. She would ask, “How many bedtimes until Nani comes for a visit?” or “How many bedtimes until school starts?” Even though I knew she couldn’t wait until those bedtimes ran out, my daughter did and does continue to embrace contentment with the now.

1 Timothy 6:6 (NLT) tells us, “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.”

I don’t know about you, friends, but God has recently opened my eyes to how much time my family and friends (myself included) spend planning for tomorrow. Again, planning is important—but so is living and enjoying today.

Have you read Jen Hatmaker’s, 7? If you haven’t read it, please add it to your reading wish list. Jeez, talk about feeling convicted! My husband and I prayed that God would open our eyes to the way in which He wanted us to cut down on our excess. We’ve been praying through several areas, but scheduling was at the top of the list. Or rather, our over scheduling was at the top.

If you don’t have this challenge, you are so blessed! Friends, since my husband I have made a prayerful and conscious effort to spend less time adding to the calendar and more time embracing each day, God’s blessings have overflowed! Those blessings have come forth in the form of family time, lower stress and quiet time. I’d almost forgotten what that was like!

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT)

This passage brings me such solace, because it reminds me that it’s okay to embrace today. God, our Sovereign King, is the ultimate planner. He’s got it all under control. As this holiday season approaches, will you join me in embracing the now?

Written by Catherine Bird

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