Empowered to Speak


Ask God to fill you with his Spirit and to energize your faith as you revisit the events of the Day of Pentecost.


Acts 2:1-13


Are you willing to wait on the Lord to fill you with his power?

I regularly witness a miracle in our toddlers' group as, almost overnight, a string of sounds from a child's mouth takes on shape and meaning. This is almost always greeted with delight.

Likewise, early on the Day of Pentecost, the miracle of hearing a mother tongue among a babble of languages is greeted with joy--but also confusion. The followers of Jesus are overwhelmed by what they see and hear, as the Holy Spirit comes upon them in a new way, evidenced by this outpouring of languages (8-11). This is known as xenolalia (speaking in foreign languages) and is not the glossolalia (speaking in tongues) that was to become controversial in the Corinthian church. Notice the impact on the God-fearing Jews in Jerusalem. What they hear focuses them upon God (11) so that many want to understand (12), although the cynics also have their say (13)!

This event catapulted the church into the new era of spreading the Gospel. The same Spirit still empowers and equips followers of Christ to bring glory to God in mission, enabling others to understand and find Christ for themselves.


Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you today, so you can communicate with someone who has not yet understood about Jesus.


Holy Spirit, Counselor, Comforter, and Friend, fill me with fire and set me ablaze with love for You and the world.

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