If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp. Judges 7:10-11 NIV
God looked into Gideon’s heart and saw that he needed some encouragement for the task ahead.
Gideon had already agreed to obey God. He had kept the three hundred men God had ordained for battle and sent the rest of the men home.
Still, God must have seen fear in Gideon’s heart, so God allowed Gideon to hear something, which gave him encouragement.
I deal with a lot of people on the brink of greatness for God. They are often pastors and church planters, missionaries, ministers or believers who know God is calling them to something, but one thing stands in the way — FEAR. I understand. Been there. Have several t-shirts.
Here’s a word of encouragement for you:
If uncertainty is causing you to fear your next move or to act upon what you believe God is calling you to do — learn a lesson from Gideon’s story.
Understand that God knows your strengths and your weaknesses. He knows where you most need encouragement. God ultimately wants you to trust Him completely, without having to depend on anything or anyone else, but He also knows you are still a work in progress. You’re still growing your faith. He will be patient. He is fully prepared to see you through your doubts to His glory. However long that takes.
Keep in mind that God’s ultimate goal is the complete control of your heart. Therefore, God often sends people your way to encourage you in your walk. He wants you to fully and completely trust in Him, so He will kindly allow you at times to see the good you are doing in ministry. God wants your complete obedience, so He occasionally allows you the privilege of seeing the direction He is taking you.
Many times, however, you and I are left to walk with God simply by faith.
I hope God sends you the encouragement you need today to allow you to move forward in obedience to Him, but if He allows you to wrestle with your own doubts today, may I be a voice of encouragement to tell you God is trustworthy? He proves faithful. Every time.
Step big into the awesomeness found in a life that is fully obedient to God’s will!
I wonder if Gideon could have read his story in reverse if he would have lived it all over again. Somehow I suspect He would!