Encouraging Mothers in Their Overwhelming Responsibility

Read This: “She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also praises her” (Proverbs 31:27-28)

Think: The moment a woman becomes a mother she is changed: her capacity to love without demands, willingness to sacrifice for another, and protect at all costs. Motherhood is messy business. In the early years it’s the overflow of all bodily fluids. The middle years are marked by scabby knees, bloody noses, and broken bones. And the latter years bring heartbreaks and growing pains.

The responsibility is overwhelming and the stakes are high. And if investing in another life weren’t enough pressure already, Satan makes sure mothers second guess themselves every step of the way. Is the house really clean? Can’t you cook something healthy and delicious? Why can’t you get your baby to stop crying? Don’t all the other moms volunteer more than you? Above all, remember when you’re changing diapers, moping floors, doing laundry, carpooling, and putting the four year olds shoes on AGAIN, that you’d better look good doing it.

Mothers are incredibly hard on themselves. Along with sippy cups and after school schedules, they often carry their compiled list of failures. While the kid’s music blasts in the car and the siblings argue over who touched who first, a voice whispers, you’re not good enough, you can’t do this.

There’s so much pressure to get it all just right. Maybe the very best gift for any mother would be one that says, you are more than good enough—you are awesome! And you can do this! Moms need to be reminded that they are unique reflections of Christ to those around them and specially gifted for the task at hand.

Think of some specific ways that the mothers in your life excel at what they do and encourage them in that. Let this day be a day to celebrate and encourage the women who get up every day and choose to be mothers.

Ask: Families are under attack. How does the enemy benefit when he brings down a mom? What can you do to battle for a mom today?

Pray: Spend some time thanking God for your own mother and praying for her if appropriate. If you’re a father, pray for your children’s mother. Let’s lift up our sisters who devote themselves to the most privileged and exhausting jobs on the planet.

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