Enjoying God

The Westminster Shorter Catechism states, "Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever." Do you agree? When is the last time you simply enjoyed God? This could look like going on a prayer walk in nature, saturating yourself in Scripture, sitting at his feet in worship, painting as the Spirit leads, writing poetry-- you name it. God wants you to enjoy him in whatever way you wish or enjoy.

I hate that I so easily get caught up in the hustle and bustle of Dallas culture that I miss the sweet opportunities all around me to enjoy God. Do you believe God is enjoyable? I guess that's where we should start. Do you believe God enjoys you? Do you think you are even enjoyable period?

I can assure you that God is more than excited, enthralled and captivated by you-- son or daughter. (This is not just a thing for women, so please don't miss me on this.) As God's own child, ransomed and rescued by the blood and sacrifice of Jesus, I would say you are quite enjoyed, loved and sought after by God. And that is an understatement. All I'm trying to say is God enjoys you. Period. 100%.

I think receiving the enjoyment of God is a great place to start with enjoying him ourselves. 1 John 4:19 says, "We love because he first loved us." Have you ever realized before that we enjoy people that enjoy us? When someone is listening intently to a story you're telling with a smile in their eyes, you can't help but feel enjoyed and enjoy being around that person in return. If you could visibly tell that someone was not enjoying your company (and couldn't see your inherent personal value), you would consequently not enjoy them either! Enjoying God begins with experiencing his own holy, precious and outrageous enjoyment of us. 

Practically, I think that looks like spending set aside time with him-- coming before him in humility and honor, in child-like faith asking him to give us a personal revelation of his great love for us individually. This looks like meditating on God's truth found in Scripture, really mulling it over, exploring it and allowing it to transform our minds. This looks like opening our hearts up to God.

I assure you he will come. 

As you begin to experience his enjoyment of you, you WILL enjoy him. It's impossible not to! He is the utmost enjoyable person in all history and all creation of all time. He is full of endless mysteries, wisdom, revelation, glory and insight for us to enjoy forever. One of my favorite worship leaders, Jonathan David Helser, puts it this way, "All those angels, they are swimming in this ocean and they still can find no shore. Day and night, night and day, they keep seeing new sides of Your face. You are an endless ocean, a bottomless sea."

Take some time today to enjoy God. Simply turn your heart towards him. Experience his delight, and delight in him in return. I would challenge myself and anyone reading to make a practice out of this. Let us never lose sight of how sweetly and majestically enjoyable God is.

By Rachel Denison

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