Everlasting Love, a Letter to His Daughters

My Beloved Daughters,

I want you to know something. I see you each day, gazing at yourself in the mirror, struggling to believe you are loved, to believe you are special. Yet I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness. Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart.

I hear you cry because you believe you are unimportant, overlooked. But I know you, precious one. I know when you sit and when you stand.  I know when you go out and when you lie down. I know the words you are going to speak even before you think them. I know all your thoughts – your dreams, your passions, your fears.

I know these things because I made you.  And I delight in you.

I want you to be still and know I am God. I want you to take all the things you worry about and give them to me because I love you. I want you know that I never change, that I am near to all who call on Me in truth, that I watch over all who love Me. I am faithful to all My promises I have made to you. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will never forget you.

The world would have you think that you are not good enough.

I saw what I made and declared it good.

The world would have you think that you are not beautiful.

My works are wonderful; you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I delight in your beauty.

The world would have you think you are invisible, that no one cares about you.

You are so important to me I know the very number of hairs on your head.

The world would have you think that you need to give yourself away in order to be loved.

I gave my Son for you because I love you.

Nothing can separate you from My love for you. Nothing alive or dead. Nothing in heaven or hell. Nothing yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Nothing you can imagine or have done can make Me stop loving you.

As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Now remain in My love, dear one.

My everlasting love.


Your Heavenly Father

Written by Andrea Mitchell

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