Everything You Need

How many Legos do you have? I bet the answer is, “Not enough.”

Kids with one little Lego set want more. Kids with, let’s say, 1,174,319 Lego pieces want more too. No child is ever content with the current amount of Legos.

Our whole lives are kind of like that too. Even though it would take us until tomorrow to even begin to list the good things God has given us, we want more. We look at all the good things God has given other people and think that maybe we don’t have enough.

Learning how to be satisfied with what we have doesn’t just happen. We need to learn how to do it. The apostle Paul wrote, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians 4:12 NIV).

Now, how many Legos do you have? The answer is, “Just the right amount.”

Dear Father, thank you for how much you have blessed me and how many good things you’ve given me. Forgive me for when I wish I had more, when I haven’t been content. Help me remember that you want what’s best for me and sometimes stuff gets in the way. So, even though it’s hard, please take away anything that distracts me from you. Help me learn more and more how to be content. Amen.

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