Everyone else is better than you. At least you think so, don’t you? You look at other people and wish that you were more cheerful or talented, happier or stronger, faster or smarter. Whatever it is, you compare yourself and wish you were less like you and more like them.
God wants you to stop that crazy thinking. Think of yourself the way he thinks about you.
“The body is one unit and yet has many parts. As all the parts form one body, so it is with Christ. So God put each and every part of the body together as he wanted it” (1 Corinthians 12:12,18).
God made you exactly the way he wants you to be. The people around you are exactly how God wants them to be too. No, you aren’t the same, but that’s the way God made it. He loves it when the people he created are unique. He loves it when you make lonely people feel part of the group. He loves the kids who are confident enough to ask random strangers if they know about Jesus. He loves when big kids willingly help little kids learn about Jesus at Sunday school. He loves when the kids who do well in school say thank you for the brain he gave them. He loves when the artist sketches a beautiful picture of the world he created. But if he gave you every single one of those gifts, you wouldn’t have time to use them all. Instead, he gave you the exact gifts he wanted you to have, so you would use them fully, completely, to the best of the ability he gave you.
Today, celebrate that you are exactly how God wants you to be.
Chomp on this!
Discuss what gifts God has given you that make you unique.
How can you use those gifts to serve others?