Exceedingly, Abundantly


Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.  –Ephesians 3:20

Take a closer look at this amazing verse about the Jabez life.  The central word is “ask,” and things build from there.  Let’s chart out this verse from Ephesians:


All that we ask

Above all that we ask or think

Abundantly above all that we ask or think

Exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think

Able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.

Does that give you a picture of His ability to bless you?  Today, meditate on the God who is able to bless—exceedingly, abundantly, above your wildest imaginings.


George Muller, who lived in the nineteenth century, had a heart for homeless children.  He gave his life to building orphanages, and he needed up sheltering and feeding thousands of them—all without ever asking another person for money.

He relied upon prayer and his faith in the exceeding abundance of God’s rich blessings.

He may not have asked people, but he asked God for plenty.  Muller kept extensive records of his 10,000 prayer requests, all answered and accounted for.  By 1870, Muller was operating five orphanages.  He was feeding 2,100 orphans every day, often without knowing where the food would come from.

One night he sent his children to bed, realizing there was no breakfast for the following morning.  Rising at his usual early hour, he took a walk.  Muller happened to run into a friend who spontaneously made a financial gift, not knowing the urgency of the need.  On another day of empty pantries, a meat cart broke down at the orphanage’s front door.  The driver wanted to know if Muller could use any meat; it would spoil otherwise.  Muller kept asking, and God kept blessing.

Why would God not want to bless such a life?


Have you ever tried to think about the sheer goodness of God?  Nothing in this world is perfectly good; people, places, and things all hav3e flaws.  But God—only He is truly, perfectly good.  Agreed?

Next question:   Why would He not want to bless you?  Ephesians 3:20 tells us just how awesomely capable He is.  Why, then, would He withhold good things from your life?  It all comes down to what you believe about God, doesn’t it?

This is a good day to meditate on two points:  how much God wants to bless you, and how much you need it.  Think about your need and His provision.

Take the sum of those two parts, and the result is a breakthrough in your life.

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