Expect a New Talent to Show Up

If you’re in a challenge, expect a new talent to show up

“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.”

This is a quotation from Horace, a leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus. We typically cringe when hearing a statement like this. Can’t we just learn the best lessons without going through hardship?

Here are just a few of the comments that poured in:

“Yes, I believe this statement by Horace to be true!  Due to someone leaving, I had been forced into a ‘team-leader position.' To say, “I was scared-to-death” would be an understatement. However, after some months; I was successful, loved the experience, and gained confidence. Who knew? Without this experience, I would have never known that I had leadership potential.” Olga Esther Molina

“I feared public speaking. Did not speak up much in meetings unless asked etc. Then my boss started making me do presentations in our small department meetings. This lead to being a trainer in some software that we use for internal personnel. I have recently been asked to speak to a group of 50-80 people on an avocation that I hope to make a vocation after I  retire from my current position. I don’t think I would have ever said yes to this opportunity without the first push out of my comfort zone.”  Patricia Charity

“Are you kidding me? ‘Adversity is your best friend in an ugly costume.’ I took over my mom and dads business that was in debt of $250,000.  3 years later I sold the business owing very little. I work for the company now that bought my business. I run every day, my health is very good, I am full of energy, successful, go to toast masters, beat my sales budget often, now I see my self as a life coach, corporate sales trainer, speaker, etc.  Amazing the strength one gets when hitting rock bottom.  Christopher Hayward

“Hi Dan! I agree that adversity can make a certain talent flourish, although those are not the best circumstances to live in. I have first hand experience, as a child of divorced parents who witnessed the whole range of bad and negative emotions and situations divorce can bring. I had a hard childhood growing up with my father who couldn’t cope with being a single parent of two minors.  However, I managed to develop the musical talent I was born with and today I am professional pianist with a degree from Music Academy. I am certain my problems at home made me escape into music more and practice more.  Maybe there really is a correlation between musical talent and adversity? I guess Horace was on to something :-)”  Dijana Ivezić

“Adversity either makes you humble or makes you mean. I do not know where the line is drawn on who gets which one -- humble or mean. I do know that you need a heart that will never give up and a spirit that refuses to break.”  Mattie Dibona

“One thought that comes to mind was when I wanted to retire (2009) and our retirement funds had taken a 30 percent haircut just like everyone else’s.  My wife and I were in a quandary until I realized that my faith wasn’t in my 401k.  This strengthened my beliefs and caused me to be more focused on others and not myself.”  Royce Harrell

A few years ago I went through a horrendous business loss. We were devastated financially and emotionally.  But it was in that time of heartache that I discovered businesses could be built without big buildings and employees.  If adversity had not shown up I would likely be the owner of a business today that I was not excited about – trudging off to work each day to sit in an office that felt confining and boring. Instead, I get to walk across our yard to the Sanctuary, where I think and write while listening to the birds.

While I wish adversity on no one, there have been too many examples from those of us who did in fact discover new talents that otherwise would have lain dormant. If you are going through adversity right now, look diligently for the talents that may be stirring in you, waiting for release.


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