Moses said to them, ‘I said to you - Do not be shocked, nor fear them. The Lord your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf.’ Deuteronomy 1: 29
Fear is when: Your company is being downsized and you’re called into the supervisor’s office. Your doctor needs to discuss the results of that latest scan. You’ve applied to countless jobs, month after month with no answer. Fear. It doesn’t take much for that familiar feeling to force its way into our lives.
Just read the latest headlines: economic uncertainty, the refugee crisis, ISIS, even the current political climate. Fear has engulfed individuals and nations on a global scale, causing very real fear and anxiety. Why is that? Fear comes from feeling out of control when facing the unknown. As a result, we often begin to live lives responding from a place of fear.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to live by faith, not fear. What does that look like? Moses experienced his people responding out of fear when faced with the challenges of claiming the Promised Land.
When God led the children of Israel to the Promised Land, Moses sent 12 men to spy out the land. Their mission was never to determine IF this land was conquerable, but rather to scout out the challenges and obstacles in order to better prepare. After all, this was the land God had promised. Moses had faith God would fulfil His promise, making what seemed impossible, possible. Unfortunately, the majority responded out of fear, focusing on the huge challenges standing between God’s people and His promise. Then, the children of Israel began to panic.
That’s when Moses reminds his people what it means to live by faith in God. Sadly, they made their decision and it cost them another 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.
Don’t be shocked, don’t be surprised, when you face trials, obstacles and challenges, Jesus says. Expect it, but don’t be afraid. Why? Because God is with you. God will fight for you!
In other words, no matter how big your problem, your challenge, your difficulty or how big the enemy - God is bigger. God is stronger. God is more powerful. God is with you. He will always be with you. Choose faith over fear!