Family Night Ideas: You’re Just Right!

Every person in every family has a need for ACCEPTANCE. Each family member needs to know that they are “just right!”

ACCEPTANCE means: Welcoming people willingly and unconditionally, especially if they are different from others or their behavior has been imperfect."

  1. Giving ACCEPTANCE also means celebrating the uniqueness of each person in the family.

Take turns finishing these sentences: (Parents may need to help younger kids with their unique qualities and contributions.)

  • Isn’t it amazing that every one of us is unique and special? ____________ is unique because…

EX. Madison is unique because she’s the only one who can roll her tongue. Dad is unique because he makes everybody’s favorite pancakes!

Just remember to keep it positive and affirming! The point is to celebrate the uniqueness of each person in the family.

  1. Giving ACCEPTANCE also means letting others know that they can be real around you. You like them, just as they are. Take turns finishing this sentence:

(Parents go first and then invite the kids to join.)

  • I want you to know that you can be yourself around me, because …

EX: I want you to know that you can be yourself around me, because I like the way you are particular about the way your shoes are tied. Or you can be your-self around me, because I admire your fun-loving spirit and laid back attitude about life.

Congratulations! You have just met an important relational need for your family. It’s the need for acceptance! We’re reminded to give acceptance in this passage: “Accept each other, just as Christ has accepted you” (Romans 15:7).  God must certainly be smiling as He watched you live out the truth of His Word.

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