Find a Way to Stay

You've lost your car keys and if you don’t find them, you’re going to be late for a very important meeting. Your entire body becomes a key-searching machine. The keys that were invisible just a few minutes ago now glow with recognition.

Why couldn't you find your keys before? Simple. You weren't looking for them.

Not really. We wander around the house, looking for our keys, straightening things up, thinking through our day, going over conversations in our heads, and if we happen to find our keys, it’s just a plus.

We find what we’re looking for. Our eyes find what our minds tell them to look for.

And it’s the same in our marriages. Our eyes find what our minds tell them to find. If we’re looking for things that upset us, most of the time we can find them. On the other hand, if we’re looking for good things about our marriages, we’ll find those as well.

Obviously, I’m not talking about full-blown dysfunctional marriages—those will be the subjects of other blogs. I’m talking about the everyday, run-of-the-mill, child-chasing, grass-mowing, dish-washing, putting-gas-in-the-car kinds of marriages. In all of our lives, in all of our relationships, there are things that frustrate us AND there are things that bring us joy.

I’m simply suggesting that as we go through our days, we tell our eyes to find the good things in our marriages. I’m not talking about being Pollyanna and ignoring problems, but I am suggesting we find things to celebrate every day as well as things to work on.

The world will give you all kinds of reasons to leave. Make your goal to find reasons to stay.

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