Finding God Every Day

“When the people saw that Moses delayed…they gathered around…‘Come, make us a god…because this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt – we don’t know what has happened to him!’” Exodus 32:1.

Years ago my children had a book called Where’s Waldo? Each page was full of colorful cartoon characters crowded in different rooms, cities, parks, etc… The point of the book was to find Waldo on every page. Some pages took me much longer to find this character but some were easily seen. The more challenging pages, where I couldn’t find him, made me frustrated and impatient. I wanted to skip over the page out of impatience and boredom.

This is where we find the children of Israel. How soon they forgot all of the brutal labor they were forced to endure. Day after day, Pharaoh’s army would stand over them requiring unhealthy and exhausting working conditions. They cried out to heaven for God to deliver them from their misery and longed for a day when they could rest. God brought them out of slavery and gave them miracle after miracle during their days in the desert. He could be found on every page of their life in the wilderness. Yet, when they got to a page that took a little longer--40 days to be exact--they decided to skip the page and find another god. Their impatience turned to temptation, which resulted in sin.

We will all find ourselves in seasons of waiting…seasons of wondering…seasons we would rather skip. But God’s best work is done on the pages of our lives when we must simply trust that He is in the picture. We must discipline ourselves to stay on that page until God is visible with both His plan and timing. God doesn’t rescue us just to turn His back on us. He is hidden in every detail of our lives with our part being patience, trust and confidence in Him. The important part of our journey is not just to get to the end of the book but to find Him on every page during the read.

So protect your heart and mind and don’t turn the page before you find Him.

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