Finding God in the “What If’s?”

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Matthew 6:34 (NIV)

Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.  Philippians 4:6 (The Message)

Have you ever had those “what if” thoughts as a parent?  You know the ones...  What if my child never sleeps through the night?  What if he doesn’t make it through this school year?  What if she embarrasses me in public, again?  What if he melts down at church when everyone is watching?  What if the violent outbursts never stop?  What if he never graduates high school or can’t get into college?  What if she never accepts my love?  What if he never learns to trust me?  What if life never returns to normal?

Life is full of “what if’s” and the adoption journey certainly offers no respite from this reality.  Most of us embarked on this adventure full of hopes and dreams.  Many of those dreams remain; some are but a distant memory.  Maybe you remain hopeful, or maybe your hope is fading – or maybe both. 

As we travel this journey we will likely encounter so many questions, but often too few answers; so many doubts, but at times so little certainty.  As unanswered questions turn to fear and doubts turn to worry it becomes all too easy – and all too human – to become discouraged and fall deeper into the valley of the “what if’s.”  Yet wherever we are we discover we are not alone. 

The same God who called us to the adoption journey is ever-present as we question, doubt, and worry along the way.  He invites us to turn to Him in prayer, rely upon Him for strength, and trust in Him for the hope that only He can give.  And as we do we will find a loving Father willing and able to transform our “what if’s” about tomorrow into a deep and abiding trust in Him for today.  

Lord, I praise you for your goodness and mercy and your steadfast love.  I entrust my “what if’s” – my questions, doubts, and worries – to You and trust in You to work in every aspect of my life and the lives of my children for our good and your glory.

By Amy Monroe

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