Finding God’s Goodness in Creation

The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers (Psalm 24:1-2).

I heard about two men who were sitting under an oak tree one day. And as they were looking up at the acorns hanging on the branches, one said to the other, “Why would God take an acorn and put it on a big strong tree, and then take a watermelon and put it on a spindly little vine?”

“If I were God,” the man continued, “ I’d put the acorn on the little vine and the watermelon in the big tree!”

About that time, an acorn fell from the tree and hit the man on the top of the head. “Ouch!” he said. The other man looked up at him, laughed, and said, “Now, aren't you glad that wasn't a watermelon?”

Beware of trying to play God because you’ll always mess up! God created the world and everything in it for a specific purpose. And while sin has marred the face of creation, it is still, at its very core, designed with a plan in mind. So praise God for His marvelous creation and give Him the glory for the work of His hand.

God made the world with a specific plan and purpose. Praise Him for His wonderful work of creation!

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