Finding Happiness


Happiness is possible wherever we are in life.

I was in my office the other day, talking to a trio of the brightest young single people I can imagine being in the same room together. They are young, thin, good-looking professionals with great personalities, and an even better social life. Somehow the conversation drifted to one person mentioning how lonely being single can be at times. Then the other two singles chimed in immediately to say that they'd had the same experience!

I was pretty shocked that these high-caliber singles with very "together" lives felt this way. I mean, from the outside it looks as if the world is their oyster, footloose, fancy-free, and ready to pick up and go at a moment’s notice. It never occurred to me that they were looking for a reason to pick up and go.

Being married for 14 years with two kids, I don’t really remember that feeling of loneliness. I know there were times. I remember that vaguely, like in a dream. But at this point in my life, juggling my schedule, my husband’s schedule, two social kids in more activities than I can count on two hands—life is fast paced and a I dream of a few moments to myself to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, in peace and quiet. Talk about a dream—like the title of that children’s book, Just Five Minutes of Peace.

Once your relationship with Him is right, every thing else will mesh (Nicole Crank).

It’s funny how we desire what we don’t have. No matter what it is—lonely single people, married people dreaming of alone time. You would figure that one of the two scenarios would make you happy. That’s just the thing—the scenario we live in, the place we are in life, our mate (or lack of one), will never make us happy.

Yes, I said it—having a mate won’t make us happy. Actually, if we have spouses, it is not up to them to make us happy, because they can’t. It is up to us to find our happiness in Christ.

Paul said in the Bible, “Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” Philippians 4:11-13 MSG (emphasis mine).

The secret to every relationship is our relationship with the Greater One. If we want any other relationship to mesh, including our relationship with ourselves, we have to develop a relationship with God. Without trust in Him, we can doubt the purpose of our existence. Without knowing who He is, we aren’t assured that His plans for us are to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

Without relationship with Him, we have no faith that we can do all things through Him. Without talking to Him and hearing His voice, we don’t have access to the encouragement that assures us that the victory is ours and the battle is the Lord’s (2 Chronicles 20:15).

When I look back on my life, I wonder how I ever made it through some of the times that I strayed from Him. No wonder those times in my life weren’t pretty. I had left the relationship with Him.

This may be where you are today. A little lost in life. Not certain if the decisions you have made were the right ones or not. Wondering if you are in the right place, with the right person at the right time....

I have good news for you: God never denies us relationship with Him. We can turn back to Him in repentance and He accepts us instantly and relationship restoration has begun. He never leaves us. He is faithful.

Let’s commit our lives to Him right now. Say this aloud, “God, every day I need you. Sometimes I fall away, get distracted or purposefully do my own thing instead of doing what I know You want me to do. I’m sorry! Right now I recommit my life to You and realign my purpose with the destiny that You created me for. I know You love me and God I love you. I will serve You! Speak to my heart the way that I should go and Lord I will listen and obey. Amen.”

Once your relationship with Him is right, everything else will mesh. It is folded back together in such a way that He can’t see the separation any longer. We have taken that first step toward… happy.

  • Happiness is having something to eat when I am hungry (preferably sushi, but it is amazing that I have a choice).
  • Happiness is my home that has heat and air conditioning (and the indoor plumbing is a major bonus, especially in a Midwest winter).
  • Happiness is knowing that God has purpose for my life (and the more I follow Him the more it becomes clear).
  • Happiness is having two healthy children (even though they leave a trail like a tornado in the house).
  • Happiness is my daughter falling asleep with her head on my shoulder... (I’m even fond of the drool stain she leaves on my sleeve).
  • Happiness is my husband asleep in the bed next to me... (we will leave out the snoring and interesting smells here).

A key to happiness in life, marriage, single life, relationships, our job… is thankfulness for the things that are good. It all might not be good... but I can promise you, a whole lot is good no matter what is going on in your life right now.

Mesh your thoughts with God’s way of thinking. He is a happy God. He sits in the heavens and laughs—and it is not even at us!

by Nicole Crank

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