Five Possible Reasons You Remain Defeated

If you look at your life and find an area of continual defeat, here are five possible reasons:

1. You have plenty of intention but neglect to take action. 

Action beats intention every single time. It doesn’t matter how much you want to change, dream of changing, or hope to change. You will never change until you take that first step of action.

2. You’re waiting for feelings instead of walking by faith. 

If you’re waiting for the feeling of conviction or the sense that what you’re doing is wrong, it ain’t gonna come. The decision to agree with God and take a step of obedience must first happen at the level of your will. You know where you need to change. Don’t wait for the warm fuzzies or the tearful certainty. Obey God’s Word by faith. Your feelings will follow.

3. You’ve let past failures prevent future victories.

If you’ve been there, done that, and still find yourself living in defeat, you may feel like a hypocrite telling God just one more time that you’re sorry, and would He please forgive you. Yet humility is the key to moving from a past of failure to a future of victory. Will you stop blaming your past failures and turn a new page on future victories? 

4. You’re high on performance and low on relationship.

You can strive all you want, but you will never thrive until you get off the performance bus and go deeper in relationship with the Lord. God isn’t impressed with how many days you can make it without sin because He knows that without Him you will ultimately fail. 

5. You have the paralysis of over-analysis.

Resist the temptation to waste all of your time and energy analyzing who, what, where, and when. You’ve talked yourself into thinking you’re the exception to the rule. You’ve told yourself it’s no big deal. You’ve convinced yourself you can’t live without _____ . The result is you’re paralyzed into inaction.

What’s keeping you from moving past your areas of defeat? By God’s grace you can move on!

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