Many people buy life insurance to help make sure that their family will have money to transition to a new life in the event of a premature death of mom or dad. But what if you’re single and don’t have a family, do you still need life insurance?
Here are 5 reasons why you might consider owning life insurance if you’re single:
1. The life insurance coverage will never be cheaper than it is right now.
Life insurance gets more expensive every time you have a birthday. Additionally, as you get older your risk of contracting chronic or life threatening health conditions increases. Poor health may mean increased costs of insurance or may prohibit you from qualifying for coverage altogether. Consider getting coverage now when you’re young and healthy!
2. You don’t want to leave your parents holding the bag on co-signed student loan debt.
Student loan debt that was co-signed by your parents is not extinguished upon your death. Your parents undoubtedly wanted you to get a good education and they were willing to risk their credit standing to ensure you had the required resources. The responsible thing to do is to make sure this debt is settled in the event you die before it’s paid back.
3. You may have people that depend on you for care and or support.
It is not uncommon for aging parents or special needs siblings to live with younger family members. Your family members may be relying on you to provide physical care as well as financial support. If you’re in this situation you may want to consider life insurance as a means to continue providing support if you were to die prematurely. It’s a loving gesture that allows your memory to live on in their hearts and minds.
4. You may have a business with partners that you want to continue.
If you’re a business owner with partners, you may want to consider a buy-sell agreement that spells out the disposition of the business in the event one of the partners dies. If the partners want the business to continue there must be provisions in the agreement to allow the remaining partners to buy the deceased partner’s interest. Typically these agreements are funded with life insurance to make sure the remaining partners have sufficient resources. This will ensure that the business can continue in a nice smooth fashion.
5. You may want to leave money to a favorite charity or a cause.
We all give our time, talent and treasure to the things were care about. We have a desire to make a difference in someone’s life or leave the world a better place than we found it. The ability to leave some money to these special organizations and causes can be accomplished through life insurance. What a great way to make your final act in this world be a gift of tremendous generocity.
Remember that if you do buy a policy as a single, it’s important to re-evaluate your insurance coverage after life events, such as the birth of child or a marriage, to make sure you’re still appropriately covered and to update your beneficiaries. If coverage purchased now becomes inadequate for your needs at a later date, you can buy supplemental coverage, rather than starting from scratch.
Written by John Mulloy
This blog is meant to get individuals to think about what life insurance can do to leave a positive legacy or to protect their loved ones. Remember that each person’s situation is different and you should consider what is best for you. This blog is not an offer for insurance and in no way guarantees that you will qualify. Please consult your insurance professional with any questions you may have.