Focused for You

Your love never fails,                 

It never gives up,

It never runs out on me.  

– “One Thing Remains” by Jesus Culture

Fathers can be busy people. Oftentimes they have jobs that will require all their attention, energy, and time. Sometimes they will make time for hobbies, golf, and the weekend binge of TV football… leaving other parts of their life (like their kids) neglected and forgotten.

God has not only billions of people to interact with, but He also has the rest of the universe to play with. Chances are that the inner workings of a solar system are way more interesting than anything we have to capture God’s attention!

And yet, what does the Bible tell us about God’s attitude toward us?

“The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin” (Exodus 34:6-7).

Because God is God, He doesn't get sidetracked; He doesn’t get distracted; He doesn’t get bored. He has everything He needs right now. He has absolutely no reason to leave you, or give up on you, or go somewhere else.

He is faithful.

Do you get that? You really need to think about it, because no human being is like that.

My dad is a faithful man. In fact, I know what I’m going to say about him at his funeral: “He was faithful to his Savior, to his bride, and to his calling.” We were fortunate to have that kind of human faithfulness in our family. But compared to God, Dad’s faithfulness is miniscule. God never changes, never flounders, never turns His back.

When we believe that He is faithful (as He is), peace and relief descend on our fearful souls. He’s not going anywhere, He’ll keep His promises, and He’ll follow through with His pronouncements. This makes the faith walk possible and logical.

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”  (Matthew 28:20).

Father, thank You for Your incredible faithfulness, for being the constant in my life, for better or for worse. I pray that You help me take to heart the promise of Your presence, and help me to remember it when I need it most. Amen.

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