For Those Who Feel Like Nobodies

You are not normal.

Is this statement surprising? Or does it perhaps carry a negative connotation? It doesn’t have to. The reality is that you are an anointed child of the Most High God, the Creator of all things seen and unseen.

This means you are a potential threat to the enemy. But as you may remember, while you may be a target, you also possess the potential to be a hero. God has already written you into the story line of faith heroes—and it is an epic of triumphant proportions filled with miracles, signs, and wonders.

The Bible describes the heroes who have gone before us as those “willing to live in the risky faith-embrace of God’s action for them” (Romans 4:1 The Message). The relationship is further explained by looking to the story of our father of faith:

We call Abraham “father” not because he got God’s attention by living like a saint, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody. Romans 4:17 The Message

Have you felt like a nobody? Good news. God is in the business of making somebodies out of nobodies! He invites all of us into what He is doing. If we will trust in Him and yield to His leading, He will write His story in our lives. He will make us the heroes we were born to be. We read that:

Abraham entered into what God was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own. Romans 4:3 The Message

The question before us is, are we ready to do the same? If so, then it is time to step into all God has already done for us. This allows His Spirit to begin a new work within us. It shows we believe that in Him we are more than conquerors. As we turn this corner and set our hearts on this course, God positions us so that something unseen but wildly significant can happen.

I urge you, go to God today and commit yourself to engage with what He is doing. Invite Him to lead you and make more out of your life than you could have imagined possible. Who can say what great things are in store if you will but believe!

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