For to You Have I Committed My Cause...

Reading scripture is like finding a light on the darkest night. 

Many of us are feeling the battering of life and circumstance, the weary that gathers like lead in our bones. Deep, dark, and tired our thoughts. We scrape a smidgen of hope from our hearts scarred surface and lean forward… one more step. One more lift of the foot, one more push forward… until we collapse. Face down, fallen.

After laying on the ground, we start to feel around in the dark… lifting fingers first, then our head and slowly on our knees until we stand. Exhausted, it’s a victory to simply lean on something stronger, walking or running seems impossible to ever hope for…so we sway in the harsh of life, clinging to hope by a thread. 

I’ve felt that way, so have you. Maybe you’re in that dark place right now?

Take comfort, be encouraged, you’re not alone. Don’t give up. Help is on its way. 

Jeremiah was an ancient prophet / pastor to the nation of Israel in one of its darkest moments. Attacked from without, decayed from within…. Jeremiah couldn’t win.

Hated by God’s enemies, hated by God’s people he was a man lost in-between.

Faithfulness for him was a road of total isolation and pain, rejection and loss were his companions – until he was jailed by the leaders of God’s people. His darkness was more than a metaphor. In his pain he wrote these raw words…

But the Lord stands beside me like a great warrior.
Before him my persecutors will stumble.
They cannot defeat me.
They will fail and be thoroughly humiliated.
Their dishonor will never be forgotten.
12 O Lord of Heaven’s Armies,
you test those who are righteous,
and you examine the deepest thoughts and secrets.
Let me see your vengeance against them,
for I have committed my cause to you.

Jeremiah 20:11-12 (NLT) 

There are times in our lives when we run out of words. Times when we need to avoid talk, and must be with the one who created and purposed us. Slow down to a stop, push away the excuses and distractions… you know what to do. It’s time to open the good book. 

Read the word of God, REST in His presence.

Take your time, slowly…honestly… lay out your hearts pain… give it to the only one who can truly understand.

Wait quietly.

Repeat, until the darkness lifts and the light returns.

Live again.

Parenting is hard. God is strong.

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