Fresh eyes

With a new lung and a new lease on life, I’m asking God to give me fresh “eyes to see.” We get so accustomed to the rhythms and routines of life, we become numb to the things, people and circumstances we’re in and around each day. I want a “refresh” on all of it, especially with my relationship with God. My neighbors, Dixie and Rod, gave me a little placard that reminds, “Be still and know that I am God.” How sweet when I do that. How rare when I do that.

His Presence has been a life-saver and life-giver for me over these last two months. At one point, I was so exhausted from doctors, IVs, needle sticks, pills and tests; I didn’t think I could go on. Out of the blue, His “still small voice” said, “Regi, these things are my means of healing for you. Lean into them, not away.” Amazing peace came over me. The anxiety went away and I’ve felt none of it since.

But meaning is found beyond the rim of our own life and soul. It’s only when we make the “outward” turn and focus on the needs of others that life starts to really light up. That’s why mentoring means so much to me. “I have come that they might have life,” promises salvation and life eternal. But the second phrase in John 10:10b brings the promise of meaning. “. . . and have it to the full.” Abundant life. Our lives are only full and abundant when we give them away. When we take seriously the second commandment of loving others as we love ourselves . . . that’s when meaning takes root. It takes intentionality because our inherent selfishness will always be the gravitational pull on our lives, drawing us back to “me” and “mine.” But the Holy Spirit tugs us toward the discomfort, the ambiguity, the pain and messiness of involvement with others for His sake and theirs.

So do we go off “willy-nilly” with handfuls of cash looking for people to help? Or sign up for every volunteer opportunity available at our church? In a word . . . no. We pray. And not with a “talking” prayer but with “listening” prayer.’ “Lord, show me where you’d have me give and serve?” “What breaks your heart, Lord?” “Break my heart for who and what breaks yours.” Be still before Him and listen for the names, people groups, or ministries He brings to your heart and mind. Now, pray them back to Him. Listen. Pray. Listen for affirmation. When you’re sure, act. Do something, even if it’s just to send a text, visit a website, make a phone call, visit an office . . . whatever He leads you to do, just do it.

Henri Nouwen . . . “One of the discoveries we make in prayer is that the closer we come to God, the closer we come to all our brothers and sisters in the human family. God is not a private God. The God who dwells in our inner sanctuary is also the God who dwells in the inner sanctuary of each human being. As we recognize that Presence in our own hearts, we can also recognize that Presence in the hearts of others, because God who has chosen us as a dwelling place give us the eyes to see the God who dwells in others.”

I see the potential ‘disciple-maker’ who dwells in every guy I mentor. God does too!

We are the hands and feet of Christ. He can give us the “eyes to see,” but moving our “hands and feet” in service is up to us. In that moving, the love of God becomes real in those we serve in His name. And in that moving comes fulfillment and meaning for us.


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