From Mourning to Mission

What is your earliest memory of money? 

I was eight years old. I watched my dad stand in the rain at the front door of our home, writing a check to mom. They were in the early stages of a divorce.

Dad owed mom money.

The relationship that was responsible for my existence was breaking down right before my eyes. The primary financial arrangement and source of provision for my needs was in jeopardy.

Why did Dad owe Mom money?

How big was that check?

When would he write another check, if at all?

Because our finances are intimately connected to every area of life, issues about money often reveal places of disappointment or even hurt as unwelcome guests in the house of memories. Further reflection reveals that our finances often determine who we become friends with, where we live, and what we do.

I have a friend who is passionate about disability insurance. How can one be so passionate about something so…well… mundane? The answer is found in the layers underneath, deep down in the memories and experiences of life. He has a sister who was diagnosed with a serious illness in her early thirties. Unexpected. Very real. Potentially terminal. Thankfully, his sister’s income was protected by a basic disability insurance product. Her needs were provided for as she entered into a lengthy (and, successful) treatment period.

Years later, my friend is now working to train Financial Guides to help families by determining fitting and suitable insurance products for unique situations.

Not mundane at all.

He has turned his experience into a desire to help others. Something potentially devastating turned into a calling, a vocation.

Mourning into mission.

My first memory of money takes place in the context of the breakdown of the primary financial arrangement in my life – my parent's relationship. It is interesting to reflect that later it was through various relationships with trusted friends who took me by the hand to show me what a financially fit life can look like.

Mourning into mission.

It has been in the context of trust-filled relationships that I have been provided with the guidance, information, advice and products I need to live with economic resilience.

I’ve learned that I cannot buy myself out of greed.
 I’ve learned that even in poverty, one can be greedy and selfish.
 I’ve learned that generosity comes from the people and places you least expect.
 I’ve learned that Christians are called to make all they can, save all they can, and give all they can.

The transformation and healing I’ve experienced in the realm of money has seeped into every area of my life. I’m not there yet, of course, but as I now pursue a life helping others think through their relationships with money, I continue to see how better futures, economic resilience, and generosity are possible.

Written by Tim Schuster

This blog post is from the Author's perspective and doesn't speak for brightpeak financial. Contact brightpeak if you want to know more about brightpeak products, and keep in mind that they are not available in all states and there are some limitations (some exclusions and restrictions may apply).

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