For the commandment is a lamp; and the law a light. Proverbs 6:23
Have you ever lost something dear to you? Something that, when you lost it, you felt like you’d never be the same again? Maybe it was a friendship or a relationship. Maybe you lost your marriage, or you had a child go the wrong way. Maybe you lost a big investment or even your health. Maybe you’ve just lost your way in life. These are obvious examples of things that happen in the natural, but I want you to think about them spiritually.
When you lose something, do you know what you need to do? You need to light a lamp! I’m telling you, one of the best times to read God’s Word is when you’ve lost something or someone precious and dear to you. He’s provided you with a lamp that can light your way if you let it. In fact, Jesus tells us a parable to prove that point.
In Luke 15, He tells us about three things that were lost: a sheep, a coin and a son. Most of us know the story of the lost son (prodigal son), but I want to shift your focus to the parable of the lost coin. In Luke 15:8, Jesus says, “What woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?” The woman in the story lit a lamp when she lost something precious to her. Jesus is telling us we can do the same by allowing God’s Word to be a lamp to our feet.
I know of couples in our church who were on the verge of losing their marriages. For some, it seemed like divorce was inevitable. Instead of losing their marriages, they started focusing on God’s Word and allowing it to be a lamp in their lives and families. That’s when something started to happen. God began to recover their relationships, restore their marriages and make them even stronger than they were before.
No matter what you’ve lost, God wants to bring restoration to your life—maybe through helping you get back what you lost or simply helping you heal and move forward. But you have to take the first step and start lighting a lamp every single day so He can speak to you, heal you and restore you through His Word.
Lord, thank You for giving me Your Word. Thank You for recovering what has been lost. Please allow the light to shine in areas of my life that need to be changed by Your Word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Psalm 147:3; Proverbs 4:18–19; Joel 2:25–27
Taken from It Is Written, a Gateway devotion.