Are you running out of fun things to do with your kids? Here are a few memorable activities that will help you teach them about God.
Make nature bracelets. Wrap a piece a duct tape around your wrist with the sticky side up. Take a walk around the neighborhood and stick leaves, small pebbles, sticks, and other treasures onto your bracelet. Talk about God as their Creator – “Isn’t He awesome!”
Make a bird feeder. With a pinecone rolled in peanut butter, dip it in bird seed. Hang it in a tree and watch for the birds. Read Matthew 6:23 about the birds of the air and how God gives us comfort, telling us not to worry.
Place colored tape on the carpet. Make roads for your children’s toy cars. Mention how God guides our path when we call upon Him.
Go on an “Alphabet tour” with a journal in hand. Walk around town. Beginning with the letter a, find something that starts with that letter (A = apples in the store). Then write it down and thank God for it. Continue with each letter and when you are done, each child has a creative alphabet memory book of God’s goodness.
Cut up wet sponges. Throw them into targets drawn on the driveway by chalk. Share that God has good plans for us and to aim high in pleasing Him.
Draw people. Lay your children’s clothes on the driveway and give them chalk to draw the head, arms and legs. Explain how God made every part of us unique.
Build a tower out of cut-up sponges. Discuss how God builds us up in Him when we pray and obey our parents.
Tape a paper towel roll to the wall. Let your toddler drop tiny toys through the shoot. Share how God’s ways are narrow and we must choose to follow Him. Get out the colander and pipe cleaners. Let the children connect the pipe cleaner to various wholes. Mention how God is a creative God, too.
Conduct a campout indoors. Make up songs how God made the moon and the stars and loves for us to campout with Him.
Position pencil erasers on the floor with a marble. It makes a surprisingly addictive at-home bowling game. Relate how God loves for us to laugh and have fun.
Zigzag taped yarn from wall to wall. It’s an innovative maze for the kids. Share how God has a plan for our lives as we need to pay attention to His leading.
Host a neighborhood reading party. Invite kids to bring their favorite book to read outside in the shade. Serve lemonade. Give them highlighters and tell them how God loves for us to read His Word and mark our favorite verses.
Perform a cupcake-decorating contest. Bake some cupcakes and then set out different colors of frosting, sprinkles, and other toppings. Choose judges and have fun! Quote Psalm 34:8 – “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.”
It doesn’t take much to build lasting memories with the children. When I was a single mom years ago, my children didn’t notice the stress I was experiencing, but today as adults when they look back, they do remember the nature walks, the arts and crafts at the kitchen table, and the goofy stuff we did with sticker charts, pots and pans, string, and empty boxes.
What’s keeping you from investing not only in their present moments but future memories?