“Where’s the power cord? My battery is about to die! What did you do with the charger?”
Everybody knows that a phone or tablet battery can only last so long before running out. Then you have to plug it in to charge. Without that power source, your electronics are as useful as rocks.
Without Jesus, you are as useful as a rock too. You start believing the voice that says, “You aren’t good at anything. You’re a failure. You’re stupid. God doesn’t notice you.” Day after day those messages wear you down and drain your energy. Jesus, the great power source of all time, tells you to stop listening to those useless messages and look to him.
“The strength of those who wait with hope in the Lord will be renewed” (Isaiah 40:31).
You wait with hope in the Lord. You know this world and its mean voices are liars. You know Jesus loves you so much that he came for you. You know he thinks you are so valuable that he died for you. You know he will come back to take you to heaven.
As your battery wears down, read your Bible, go to church, and spend time with Christian friends. Plug into God and get charged up.
Chomp on this!
What voices in the world wear you down?
What are some ways you can plug back into your power source—God?