Gift Management

Luke 12:16-21

The driving force of wealth in the Bible’s message is that we are stewards of God’s riches. Everything we have is from God—he is the owner and we’re the managers. We’re to seek his guidance and direction on how to best utilize and distribute his resources. In the Parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12, the man doesn’t see himself as a steward. Although given to him by God, his wealth revolves around himself. His conversation about what to do with his bounty is with himself, about himself, and for himself. He never considers how to help those in need with what he doesn’t need.

God’s plan for us is to live a radically generous life. To be like the Christ, we need to see our purpose as letting God use every gift he’s given us to fulfill his plan, whether monetary, physical or spiritual. When God gives us more than we need, rather than asking how much should we give away, we should ask how much we should keep, then prayerfully give the rest away to those who have a need.

Today, as you lift up your hands to God, ask him to help you evaluate your stewardship of the gifts he’s given you. Prayerfully journal where you currently are, and where you need to be, regarding how you view and use his gifts.

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