Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. —Matthew 25:40 (kjv)
We wanted a donkey to help ward off coyotes on our family ranch. Word got around, and a man contacted us with a real deal. Mr. Hyde was free and delivered, so we agreed. How could we go wrong? However, one look at the ancient donkey and we knew he wasn’t up to the task. We’d keep him anyway. We were appalled when the previous owner claimed he’d used him for roping practice. Mr. Hyde was shaggy, thin, and obviously neglected.
His gentle demeanor was partially masked by his overwhelming shyness. It was apparent he’d known love previously in his life, but that was ages ago and he’d long since given up expecting to see it ever again.
My heart went out to the lonely donkey. “Lord, let him remember love,” I whispered.
We kept Mr. Hyde near the ranch house with heifers for company. At first I could barely approach him, even with alfalfa hay. He’d tense up or walk away when I tried to pet him. Gradually, he started to trust me. The first time he followed me home, I could barely contain my elation. Now when he sees me, he comes up to me for attention and nuzzles my hands for treats. In his eyes, I’m starting to see the love returned to me.
Digging Deeper: 1Jn4:19
Wrtten by Erika Bentsen