Glance, Then Glaze

Last week was a difficult week for Bev with her bone cancer and the side effects from a more powerful chemo treatment taking a toll. It was also emotionally challenging for me as her husband of 45 years and now as her caregiver.

During my prayer time, the Lord brought to mind another challenge Bev and I had experienced together 37 years ago. We were in the process of adopting a beautiful new-born son we named Andrew. When he was about three months old, the doctors discovered he had been born with only a fraction of his brain because his birth mom had been taking narcotics during her pregnancy. 

At nine months, Andrew was in unrelenting pain and crying 24×7. Bev was at the end of her emotional rope, so we decided to admit Andrew for a couple of months to a wonderful facility that specialized in caring for profoundly handicapped children. In the reception area there was a large picture of Christ. When I looked at Andrew I wept, but when I focused on the picture of Jesus I experienced amazing peace. 

Isaiah 26:3 tells us, “You [Lord] will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You; because he trusts in You.” A friend counseled me, “You should glance at the problem, but gaze on Christ.” He was right. We should glance at the problem by identifying the issue and doing all we can to solve it. But we should gaze and focus most of our attention on the problem solver who loves us like crazy. Jesus Christ!

And when we have our minds “stayed on Him” the Lord Himself will give us His peace. Not just regular peace, but perfect peace.

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