Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace (Matthew 11:28, MSG).

Fortunately for my children, I stuffed those impatient words and led the way to our waiting vehicle. As my toddler and preschooler climbed ever so slowly into their car seats, I did some neck rolls to relieve tension. Could they move any slower? I wanted to scoop them into their seats, but I knew they took pride in doing it themselves, so I avoided their tantrums and threw an inner one of my own.

As the minutes ticked—and ticked me off—we finally were buckled and ready to go. With a sigh, I shoved the gearshift into reverse, glanced in my rearview mirror... and saw my sweet kiddos waiting quietly, one sucking his thumb, the other sucking her first two fingers.

That hurried heart sank as it filled with compassion for my son and daughter. What on earth should a four-year-old and a two-year-old have to hurry so much for anyway? I recalled a friend’s comment over a similar situation with her kids. She said, “I don’t know why I get stressed. It’s just minutes.” How wise!

Jesus’ days contained the same number of minutes as ours, yet He always valued people over tasks. It’s interesting that although His profession as a carpenter is mentioned, the Bible doesn’t contain a single scene of Him doing that job. Instead, Scripture tells tale after tale of Him caring for people and offering refreshment wherever He went. The underlying message? He prioritized His primary ministry.

I felt His presence quiet me as I remembered the call I feel to make my family my first ministry.

FAITH STEP: Commit this month to live unhurried. Even in busyness your spirit can be calm.

Written by Erin Keeley Marshall
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