God Determines Where You Live

If you’ve moved into a different house, you know it takes a while to feel “at home” in your new place. Some kids get sick to their stomachs just moving across town. Military kids move so often that they might have six or seven homes before they turn 18. Foster kids never actually have a home of their own and bounce from family to family.

No matter how much or how little you’ve moved, God wants you to know that he put you there. “The God who made the universe and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth. . . . He has made every nation of humanity to live all over the earth. He has given them the seasons of the year and the boundaries within which to live. He has done this so that they would look for God, somehow reach for him, and find him” (Acts 17:24,26,27).

The God who made this world decided where you’d live in this world—and how long you’d be in each place. Sure, maybe you moved because of your parents’ job, but that was part of God’s plan. He did not have you move because he enjoys seeing you struggle to fit in. He does not enjoy watching your heartache when you say good-bye to friends and neighbors. He did this because he wants you to look for him, to let him give you peace. When you don’t feel at home, remember you have a real, eternal home waiting for you—and you’ll never have to move once you’re there.

By the way, every place you live provides opportunities to tell the ones around you about Jesus. Let your light shine so they look for him and reach out for him too.

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