God Has Been There

Pray: Lord God, I'm grateful for the gift of Your Word and Your Holy Spirit to guide me each day.

Read: Exodus 23:20-33

Reflect: What conditions does God place on his promises here?

Scholars point out that the word “angel” can also be understood more simply as “messenger,” referring to a divinely appointed human leader such as Moses. But since it says “my Name is in him” (21) it seems more likely we should understand the angel to be a representation of God himself, playing a role similar to the pillars of fire and cloud in Exodus 13:21.

The great news for us is not that we can explain God’s way ahead for us. Rather, it is that our God has indeed promised that he will precede us. Wherever he asks us to go, he has been there first and nothing on the path will surprise him. Sensible Christians will not worry too much about how God chooses to support us. The blessed assurance of his involvement in our journeys should be enough.

Before we get too comfortable with this idea, however, it is important to note that v. 22 warns us that God’s angel will have things to say, and that we’d better pay close attention. God’s promise to walk with us is conditional upon us sticking close to him!

Apply: How are you listening carefully to God's voice and leading? Where is God's voice leading you right now?

Closing Prayer: Lord, I want to follow You faithfully. Help me to always recognize Your voice and follow Your wise leading.


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