Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5 (NIV)
Do you find it more difficult to believe God can change your circumstances or that He will change your circumstances? I’ve come to realize I believe God has the power to do whatever I ask of Him, but I’m not as confident He will give me what I believe is best for me. I wish I could tell you I no longer wrestle with this issue, but it remains a daily struggle for me. And over the years, I’ve found I’m not alone in the struggle of knowing God is able, but wondering if He will?
I’m sure you’ve heard people say with confidence, I’m waiting expectantly for God to do a miracle in my life, or I believe by faith God will answer my prayer, and I’m waiting in expectation for a miracle. I’m not sure whether they are trying to convince us or themselves that God is going to answer their prayers. I must believe they aren’t aware of the implications of their comments for those who struggle daily to believe God loves them. There have even been times I’ve prayed earnestly for God to change my circumstances only to find things getting worse rather than better. I know in my heart God won’t withhold what’s best for His children, but my experience often leaves me feeling hopeless that nothing will ever change for the better. I truly want to trust God with all my heart, but having to wait on God takes its toll in my heart. It becomes difficult to find hope and trust God at the same time.
Over time, God taught me about faith and hope—faith to believe God is able and hope to believe God will. Faith and hope are roommates. It’s almost impossible to have faith without hope. The Biblical definition of faith is a strong reliance on someone (God), not in something. Biblical hope is waiting with expectation knowing God will give us His best. Biblical hope differs from the world’s definition of hope. When we say, I hope so, we are implying we aren’t sure, but we’re hopeful. Biblical hope is different and offers assurance God will do what is best for us. When our faith is in God, we can wait expectantly because our hope is in the heart and character of God.
Are you struggling? Do you feel hopeless as you wait on God? From personal experience, I know God has the power and desire to give His children everything to fulfill the longings of our heart. I still remember a quote I heard years ago, “God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.” If we trust God to give us what’s best for us, we can hope with expectation He will give us His best. If God hasn’t answered your prayers the way you desire them to be answered, it’s because He’ll never give you anything but His best.
Slowly read and meditate on Psalm 37. This psalm encourages us to be still and wait upon God to give us His best. Do you believe this?
What emotion(s) do you feel when you read, “God will give you the desires of your heart?”
Is there something you’ve asked God to do or change, which He has withheld from you?
Are you willing to ask and then wait for God to give you the faith to trust Him and the hope to expect Him to give you His best?