Camping in the wilderness can be very scary, especially if it’s rainy and windy and you start hearing trees and branches creaking and falling. You start to worry and wonder if something might happen. Will it rain in the tent? Will your stuff blow away? What if a branch falls right on your tent? You wish you could be home where it’s warm and dry and safe in your strong house.
Sometimes life can be very scary too. When a parent dies or a kid on your lacrosse team offers you drugs or the neighbor’s house starts on fire, you wonder what’s going to happen. That’s when Nahum 1:7 is a good passage to keep in mind. “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (NIV).
No matter what happens to us, God will make it work out for the best. God is the best! He is almighty and is always protecting us. He is our refuge; our hearts and minds are safe with him when we’re scared. He cares for us when we think we are alone.
Because God sent Jesus to take care of our biggest fear—being separated from him forever—we know he will take care of us no matter what happens when we are scared. God is by your side. He is your refuge. He is good!
Dear God, we sometimes worry when we are scared. Help us remember that you love us and that you are our refuge in times of troubles. Amen.
*This devotion was written by Eric, a kid just like you.