God Is the Judge

Olympic figure skating judges have a reputation for not judging fairly. Time and time again, judges are accused of giving higher scores to people who haven’t earned them. They do this to help give the gold medal to someone who doesn’t necessarily deserve it.

You’ve seen this in your life too. Any human judge or referee or umpire will never be able to judge 100 percent accurately. It’s simply impossible to see every play or hear every note correctly.

The only one who can see all and hear all is God. “He alone judges the world with righteousness. He judges its people fairly” (Psalm 9:8). God is our judge, and he will hold everyone accountable for every single thought, word, and action that he or she has done—or hasn’t done.

The thing is, in figure skating it’s considered cheating to help out those on the ice. In God’s world, however, it makes perfect sense. The way God works is that he doesn’t take our performance and add a few points to it, making us good enough to win. We can’t earn our place in heaven. Instead, he looks at Jesus’ performance and gives us his perfect score. You, the one who doesn’t deserve it, get the gold.

Chomp on this!

Explain in your own words what it means to get the gold because of Jesus.

In the Olympics only one person wins a gold medal in an event. Is that true for our prize of heaven? Who wins through Jesus?

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