God Is the Master Delegator

God is the master delegator. He was not afraid to give His vision away.

Consider Adam’s story:

God created everything: the land and water, the plants and animals, and then God permitted Adam to name things. (Genesis 2:19-20) God delegated the responsibility of naming the animals He had created. Surely if God could design and create the intricacies of the human body He could come up with a more creative name than black bear, yet God gave that job to Adam. Something else I find amazing is that it seems that it was while working through the process of naming the animals that the discovery was made of Adam’s deficiency without Eve. (v. 20)

I see a few leadership-shaping moments taking place, because of God’s delegation to Adam: 

  • Adam was responsible for leading the garden (Gen 2:15) so this process helped to shape him for leadership.
  • Adam personally learned what he was missing, therefore; Adam gained ownership in the vision God had for him. (Eve)
  • Adam’s ownership of the process ensured that Adam would assume responsibility for the job he had been given.

We know that Adam had been given a free spirit, because we later see him choose to disobey God, but God still took a risk on his leadership. Adam was probably more willing to accept change when it was introduced by God, because he had been a part of the process from the beginning.

Leaders, what principles can we draw from this? I think as leaders we need to create big visions… we should live the vision… breathe it….

…But great leaders allow others to carry their vision to even greater heights as they add their own creativity and energy to achieving it…

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