Most kids hate to be different. That’s why you buy the same kinds of clothes, eat the same kinds of food, play the same sports, and listen to the same music. As hard as you try, each one of you also knows the pain that comes from being different. You get singled out and feel less important than everyone else. There are some kids who live with that feeling every single day.
In the Bible, Jesus told a story—called a parable—that teaches you how God works. All the “normal” people turned down an invitation to a party and the master said, “Run to every street and alley in the city! Bring back the poor, the handicapped, the blind, and the lame” (Luke 14:21).
At God’s party, he makes a special point of inviting those who are “different.” If you use food stamps to pay for food, if you need braces on your ankles, if you have Down syndrome, if you can only communicate through sign language or have to read with Braille, he says, “You’re invited! Come to my party!” Your God, who doesn’t look at the outside, doesn’t actually think you’re different. He simply sees you as his child, the one he gets to love, forgive, and live with forever in heaven. You’re invited! Come!
Chomp on this!
If you are poor or have physical challenges on this earth, talk about the ways that God’s love gives you courage.
If you don’t face these challenges, talk about how you can reach out and encourage those around you who do.