Is your first name Shh? You know, because your parents say, “Shh” before they say your name, you wonder if your name is actually Shh-Hannah, Shh-Ben, Shh-Emma, or Shh-Ryan.
Did you know that your God loves it when you’re loud? Well, when you praise him loudly. Psalm 150, in fact, tells you to make a loud noise before the Lord:
“Hallelujah! Praise God in his holy place. Praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his mighty acts. Praise him for his immense greatness. Praise him with sounds from horns. Praise him with harps and lyres. Praise him with tambourines and dancing. Praise him with stringed instruments and flutes. Praise him with loud cymbals. Praise him with crashing cymbals. Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Hallelujah!” (verses 1-6).
When you get home to heaven, it’s going to get even louder. You and every single believer from every single country who has ever lived will praise God in one big group. And this is what it will sound like: “I heard what sounded like the noise from a large crowd, like the noise of raging waters, like the noise of loud thunder, saying, ‘Hallelujah! The Lord our God, the Almighty, has become king. Let us rejoice, be happy, and give him glory’” (Revelation 19:6,7).
When it comes to praising God here on earth, let’s practice now. Rejoice! Be happy! Give him glory.
(By the way, when your parents do shush you, you still need to obey them.)