Parents love to see their children laughing and having a good time. We want them to be diligent and serious when appropriate, but we also want them to be fulfilled and joyful. So why do so many Christians seem to think God wants them always to be somber and heavy? Like the good Father he is, wouldn’t he want to see his children full of life and joy and delight?
“Joy,” said C. S. Lewis, “is the serious business of heaven.” And if our job is to bring heaven’s environment into our everyday lives on earth, then joy has to come to the forefront of our lives. After all, this is one of Jesus’ stated purposes for us: “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11 NKJV). He wants us to have full hearts.
Learn how to have a good time—not apart from the Father, as so many seem to do, unaware of how pleasant he is to be with, but with him. He is the “first cause” not only of the creation of the universe but of the celebration within it. He invented laughter. He wants us to take full advantage of it. Learn the delight of your Father, and revel in it. Live with the joy he intended.