God Recycles! You Are Brand New!

Every day people wake up in “emotional prisons” when God already has opened the door and supplied the key to freedom. Will you say yes to amazing love and amazing grace?

No mistake will ever erase the measure of God's infinite grace.

God is the expert at recycling stories. God loves to recycle a messy past for a glorious future. Just like plastic is recycled for a new purpose, God will take the toxic waste in your life and recycle the pain into His promise. You must hold on to the hope that God so freely gives to those who profess the name of Jesus Christ.

Put your faith in a love that will never fail you. You have a Cross that will always redeem you. You are worthy of a new beginning. You are worthy of a new story. In fact, remember that life is more of a book with various chapters. No matter what chapter or season you find yourself in, the end of the story is victorious. You serve a God who wants to give you beauty for ashes and a glorious ending. When you see doubt, God sees faith. When you see the worst in you, God sees the best in you. When you see flaws, God sees grace. When you want to give up, God will give you the extra push to persevere. All of the junk in your life is recyclable. As scripture says, He can do a new thing through you! Do you not perceive it? He can make streams in those wastelands. Let God plant a fountain of hope in the middle of your desert place.

Grab a new vision of your future. Take the dust of worry and surrender your burdens at the Cross. Shake the debris of sadness off your heart. God will carry you through the storm. Form an intimate bond with your Savior and picture the Lord holding you in His lap. Imagine Jesus consoling you with love. You are His chosen one. Before the foundations of the earth, God put your heartbeat into existence. Underneath the chains that grip you is a tambourine of praise that wants to celebrate how far you’ve come.

How deep and wide is the Fathers love for you! Nothing will separate you from the love of God. The Father's love will sustain you when daily cares try to entangle you. His love will save you when tragedy makes you feel like you’re drowning. If God can walk on top of the waters, He can rescue you from the bottom and pull you up from the pit. Instead of submitting to sadness, submit your cares to God. God will recycle your toxic waste into diamonds.

Take your pain and hurt out of the dumpster. God never wastes anything! Hand God the test and He will hand you the testimony. God transforms darkness into light, mourning into dancing, and tears into living waters! When you think you have nothing left, God recycles!

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