Imagine the love of your life turning away from you and choosing someone much less fitting, much less worthy, much less satisfying. You know you’re right for your true love and the person he/she has chosen is not. That would eat at you, wouldn’t it? Millions are searching for their soul mate, their heart’s desire, their one true love. Blatantly, painfully missing that opportunity is an incredible shame.
Apparently that’s how God feels about us. He burns with jealousy for his people (Exodus 34:14; Zechariah 8:2). He created us for love and grieves when we turn to lesser loves that will never satisfy us. It isn’t a sinful jealousy of fleeting passion misplaced; it’s a holy jealousy of true passion rejected. Walking away from amazing, fulfilling, satisfying love is a tragic mistake. God burns with jealousy when that’s what we do.
God can burn with jealousy? Yes—“I am very jealous for Zion; I am burning with jealousy for her” (Zechariah 8:2)—and there’s something you can do about it. Say “yes” to the love he offers. Tell him you don’t want to miss any part of his heart for you. Refuse to waste the opportunity of receiving divine love and returning your love to him. Take his jealousy for you as a holy honor. Live with the passion you were designed for.