God’s Love for You is Permanent

Life moves fast and everything changes. How many of us have gone back home to hit up that favorite restaurant only to find it’s closed or the menu has changed? It’s like a part of you just died, right then and there. Or you see those gray hairs crop up on your parents. Next they pop up on you. You move away from home and then move again and again. People younger than you start getting age-related health problems. Your kids start driving. Your kids start college. Your kids start having kids, and then they go to college.

We’re swept along in a flow of constant change that happens in the blink of an eye. It’s scary, because deep inside we long for permanence. We want a solid place to stand in this ever-changing world. David needed it, and he found it in the loving care of God.  He says in Psalms 103:16-17, “The wind blows, and we are gone—as though we had never been here. But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him.”

God’s love for you is permanent. In an ever-changing world, He stays the same. Headlines change. Finances change. Our emotions change…but God’s personal love for you is permanent. That’s a hope you can stand on. It’s a hope that gives you purpose in this world and a promise for the next. It’s a hope that even though we sin and fall short of God’s standard that He loves and accepts us anyway. Its a hope that our lives will add up to something awesome in the end—and it’s a hope that outlives us, moving on to our children and our children’s children.

We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we know the one who holds tomorrow, and He is holding you. He holds us as the world changes, and as we change, and He never lets us go. No matter how fast your world is spinning, He is with you, now and forever. God is big enough to be in control, but personal enough to be in touch.

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