God Still Performs Miracles!


“But sir,” Gideon replied, “if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?  Where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’”  -Judges 6:13

Have you ever felt as Gideon did?  Why do things often go wrong?  Where are these miracles we read about in the bible?

Some people believe the great miracles of God have discontinued.  That’s a misperception.  Miracles are still happening, and you’ll find them wherever His hand is moving.  If we miss them, it’s because we fail to live in His power or be involved the great adventure of what He is doing.  On the other hand, when we find ourselves on the front lines of His service, nothing in the world will seem more common than the amazing, supernatural work of God.


Pastor Mike Breaux loves his daughter Jodie very much.  He was delighted when she finally found her faith in Christ; he was a little worried when she graduated from high school and decided to go serve in a medical mission in Haiti.  It was 3,000 miles from home, and filled with danger, disease, and poverty.  But Jodie was convinced that these were the very reasons God wanted her there.

Jodie soon e-mailed a breathless message to her father.  It had been the most remarkable night of her life—she had delivered a woman’s baby, hardly knowing what she was doing.  In a tiny hut, while the pregnant mother moaned and cried out, Jodie had prayed softly and worked by flashlight.

Jodie hadn’t been certain what to do when a female voodoo practitioner had entered the hut and begun dancing and casting spells, staring threateningly at the young “doctor.”  Finally Jodie simply began singing loudly:  “Our God is an awesome God, He reins from heaven above.”

The voodoo dancer became visibly terrified and fled the hut.  “This baby will be born with God’s blessing,” Jodie smiled.  Her father, appalled and proud, wanted to jump on the first plane and bring her home.  Then he thought, “Way to go, Jodie!  You know what it means to really live, to take risks because you love Jesus.” 

Miracles still happen; Jodie will tell you that.


Sometimes we go through endless cycles of predictable days.  We eat breakfast, drive to work or begin the household chores, attend classes at school.  Nothing remarkable happens.  The world just keeps turning.

Yet there are places in the world where the Spirit of God is doing remarkable things.  Why?  Are those better places than ours?  Not at all; they are simply places where people are going to serve the Lord.  Miracles can happen just as easily in your home, your workplace, your school.  It’s not about the place but your heart and His hand!  Are you ready to see the Lord perform wonders?  Ask Him to bless you, expand your borders, and put His hand on you.  Jodie is just out of high school, and she has experienced all three.

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